1 | A Novel Recommendation Model Regularized with User Trust and Item Ratings | We propose TrustSVD, a trust-based matrix factorization technique for recommendations. TrustSVD integrates multiple information sources into the recommendation model in order to reduce the data sparsity and cold start problems and their degradation of recommendation performance. An analysis of social trust data from four real-world data sets suggests that not only the explicit but also the implicit influence of both ratings and trust should be taken into consideration in a recommendation model. TrustSVD therefore builds on top of a state-of-the-art recommendation algorithm, SVD++ (which uses the explicit and implicit influence of rated items), by further incorporating both the explicit and implicit influence of trusted and trusting users on the prediction of items for an active user. The proposed technique is the first to extend SVD++ with social trust information. Experimental results on the four data sets demonstrate that TrustSVD achieves better accuracy than other ten counterparts recommendation techniques. | 2016 |
2 | Booster in High Dimensional Data Classification | Classification problems in high dimensional data with a small number of observations are becoming more common especially in microarray data. During the last two decades, lots of efficient classification models and feature selection (FS) algorithms have been proposed for higher prediction accuracies. However, the result of an FS algorithm based on the prediction accuracy will be unstable over the variations in the training set, especially in high dimensional data. This paper proposes a new evaluation measure Q-statistic that incorporates the stability of the selected feature subset in addition to the prediction accuracy. Then, we propose the Booster of an FS algorithm that boosts the value of the Q-statistic of the algorithm applied. Empirical studies based on synthetic data and 14 microarray data sets show that Booster boosts not only the value of the Q-statistic but also the prediction accuracy of the algorithm applied unless the data set is intrinsically difficult to predict with the given algorithm. | 2016 |
3 | Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification Using Sentiment Sensitive Embeddings | Unsupervised Cross-domain Sentiment Classification is the task of adapting a sentiment classifier trained on a particular domain (source domain), to a different domain (target domain), without requiring any labeled data for the target domain. By adapting an existing sentiment classifier to previously unseen target domains, we can avoid the cost for manual data annotation for the target domain. We model this problem as embedding learning, and construct three objective functions that capture: (a) distributional properties of pivots (i.e., common features that appear in both source and target domains), (b) label constraints in the source domain documents, and (c) geometric properties in the unlabeled documents in both source and target domains. Unlike prior proposals that first learn a lower-dimensional embedding independent of the source domain sentiment labels, and next a sentiment classifier in this embedding, our joint optimisation method learns embeddings that are sensitive to sentiment classification. Experimental results on a benchmark dataset show that by jointly optimising the three objectives we can obtain better performances in comparison to optimising each objective function separately, thereby demonstrating the importance of task-specific embedding learning for cross-domain sentiment classification. Among the individual objective functions, the best performance is obtained by (c). Moreover, the proposed method reports cross-domain sentiment classification accuracies that are statistically comparable to the current state-of-the-art embedding learning methods for cross-domain sentiment classification. | 2016 |
4 | Efficient Algorithms for Mining Top-K High Utility Itemsets | High utility itemsets (HUIs) mining is an emerging topic in data mining, which refers to discovering all itemsets having a utility meeting a user-specified minimum utility threshold min_util. However, setting min_util appropriately is a difficult problem for users. Generally speaking, finding an appropriate minimum utility threshold by trial and error is a tedious process for users. If min_util is set too low, too many HUIs will be generated, which may cause the mining process to be very inefficient. On the other hand, if min_util is set too high, it is likely that no HUIs will be found. In this paper, we address the above issues by proposing a new framework for top-k high utility itemset mining, where k is the desired number of HUIs to be mined. Two types of efficient algorithms named TKU (mining Top-K Utility itemsets) and TKO (mining Top-K utility itemsets in One phase) are proposed for mining such itemsets without the need to set min_util. We provide a structural comparison of the two algorithms with discussions on their advantages and limitations. Empirical evaluations on both real and synthetic datasets show that the performance of the proposed algorithms is close to that of the optimal case of state-of-the-art utility mining algorithms. | 2016 |
5 | kNNVWC: An Efficient k-Nearest Neighbors Approach Based on Various-Widths Clustering | The k-nearest neighbor approach (k-NN) has been extensively used as a powerful non-parametric technique in many scientific and engineering applications. However, this approach incurs a large computational cost. Hence, this issue has become an active research field. In this work, a novel k-NN approach based on various-widths clustering, named kNNVWC, to efficiently find k-NNs for a query object from a given data set, is presented. kNNVWC does clustering using various widths, where a data set is clustered with a global width first and each produced cluster that meets the predefined criteria is recursively clustered with its own local width that suits its distribution. This reduces the clustering time, in addition to balancing the number of produced clusters and their respective sizes. Maximum efficiency is achieved by using triangle inequality to prune unlikely clusters. Experimental results demonstrate that kNNVWC performs well in finding k-NNs for query objects compared to a number of k-NN search algorithms, especially for a data set with high dimensions, various distributions and large size. | 2016 |
6 | Location Aware Keyword Query Suggestion Based on Document Proximity | Keyword suggestion in web search helps users to access relevant information without having to know how to precisely express their queries. Existing keyword suggestion techniques do not consider the locations of the users and the query results; i.e., the spatial proximity of a user to the retrieved results is not taken as a factor in the recommendation. However, the relevance of search results in many applications (e.g., location-based services) is known to be correlated with their spatial proximity to the query issuer. In this paper, we design a location-aware keyword query suggestion framework. We propose a weighted keyword-document graph, which captures both the semantic relevance between keyword queries and the spatial distance between the resulting documents and the user location. The graph is browsed in a random-walk-with-restart fashion, to select the keyword queries with the highest scores as suggestions. To make our framework scalable, we propose a partition-based approach that outperforms the baseline algorithm by up to an order of magnitude. The appropriateness of our framework and the performance of the algorithms are evaluated using real data. | 2016 |
7 | Mining High Utility Patterns in One Phase without Generating Candidates | Utility mining is a new development of data mining technology. Among utility mining problems, utility mining with the itemset share framework is a hard one as no anti-monotonicity property holds with the interestingness measure. Prior works on this problem all employ a two-phase, candidate generation approach with one exception that is however inefficient and not scalable with large databases. The two-phase approach suffers from scalability issue due to the huge number of candidates. This paper proposes a novel algorithm that finds high utility patterns in a single phase without generating candidates. The novelties lie in a high utility pattern growth approach, a lookahead strategy, and a linear data structure. Concretely, our pattern growth approach is to search a reverse set enumeration tree and to prune search space by utility upper bounding. We also look ahead to identify high utility patterns without enumeration by a closure property and a singleton property. Our linear data structure enables us to compute a tight bound for powerful pruning and to directly identify high utility patterns in an efficient and scalable way, which targets the root cause with prior algorithms. Extensive experiments on sparse and dense, synthetic and real world data suggest that our algorithm is up to 1 to 3 orders of magnitude more efficient and is more scalable than the state-of-the-art algorithms. | 2016 |
8 | Probabilistic Static Load-Balancing of Parallel Mining of Frequent Sequences | Frequent sequence mining is well known and well studied problem in datamining. The output of the algorithm is used in many other areas like bioinformatics, chemistry, and market basket analysis. Unfortunately, the frequent sequence mining is computationally quite expensive. In this paper, we present a novel parallel algorithm for mining of frequent sequences based on a static load-balancing. The static load-balancing is done by measuring the computational time using a probabilistic algorithm. For reasonable size of instance, the algorithms achieve speedups up to 3=4 P where P is the number of processors. In the experimental evaluation, we show that our method performs significantly better then the current state-of-the-art methods. The presented approach is very universal: it can be used for static load-balancing of other pattern mining algorithms such as itemset/tree/graph mining algorithms. | 2016 |
9 | Similarity Measure Selection for Clustering Time Series Databases | In the past few years, clustering has become a popular task associated with time series. The choice of a suitable distance measure is crucial to the clustering process and, given the vast number of distance measures for time series available in the literature and their diverse characteristics, this selection is not straightforward. With the objective of simplifying this task, we propose a multi-label classification framework that provides the means to automatically select the most suitable distance measures for clustering a time series database. This classifier is based on a novel collection of characteristics that describe the main features of the time series databases and provide the predictive information necessary to discriminate between a set of distance measures. In order to test the validity of this classifier, we conduct a complete set of experiments using both synthetic and real time series databases and a set of five common distance measures. The positive results obtained by the designed classification framework for various performance measures indicate that the proposed methodology is useful to simplify the process of distance selection in time series clustering tasks. | 2016 |
10 | Temporal Skeletonization on Sequential Data: Patterns, Categorization, and Visualization | Sequential pattern analysis aims at finding statistically relevant temporal structures where the values are delivered in a sequence. With the growing complexity of real-world dynamic scenarios, more and more symbols are often needed to encode the sequential values. This is so-called “curse of cardinality”, which can impose significant challenges to the design of sequential analysis methods in terms of computational efficiency and practical use. Indeed, given the overwhelming scale and the heterogeneous nature of the sequential data, new visions and strategies are needed to face the challenges. To this end, in this paper, we propose a “temporal skeletonization” approach to proactively reduce the cardinality of the representation for sequences by uncovering significant, hidden temporal structures. The key idea is to summarize the temporal correlations in an undirected graph, and use the “skeleton” of the graph as a higher granularity on which hidden temporal patterns are more likely to be identified. As a consequence, the embedding topology of the graph allows us to translate the rich temporal content into a metric space. This opens up new possibilities to explore, quantify, and visualize sequential data. Our approach has shown to greatly alleviate the curse of cardinality in challenging tasks of sequential pattern mining and clustering. Evaluation on a business-to-business (B2B) marketing application demonstrates that our approach can effectively discover critical buying paths from noisy customer event data. | 2016 |
11 | RRW—A Robust and Reversible Watermarking Technique for Relational Data
Advancement in information technology is playing an increasing role in the use of information systems comprising relational databases. These databases are used effectively in collaborative environments for information extraction; consequently, they are vulnerable to security threats concerning ownership rights and data tampering. Watermarking is advocated to enforce ownership rights over shared relational data and for providing a means for tackling data tampering. When ownership rights are enforced using watermarking, the underlying data undergoes certain modifications; as a result of which, the data quality gets compromised. Reversible watermarking is employed to ensure data quality along-with data recovery. However, such techniques are usually not robust against malicious attacks and do not provide any mechanism to selectively watermark a particular attribute by taking into account its role in knowledge discovery. Therefore, reversible watermarking is required that ensures; (i) watermark encoding and decoding by accounting for the role of all the features in knowledge discovery; and, (ii) original data recovery in the presence of active malicious attacks. In this paper, a robust and semi-blind reversible watermarking (RRW) technique for numerical relational data has been proposed that addresses the above objectives. Experimental studies prove the effectiveness of RRW against malicious attacks and show that the proposed technique outperforms existing ones. | 2015 |
12 | Polarity Consistency Checking for Domain Independent Sentiment Dictionaries | Polarity classification of words is important for applications such as Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis. A number of sentiment word/sense dictionaries have been manually or (semi)automatically constructed. We notice that these sentiment dictionaries have numerous inaccuracies. Besides obvious instances, where the same word appears with different polarities in different dictionaries, the dictionaries exhibit complex cases of polarity inconsistency, which cannot be detected by mere manual inspection. We introduce the concept of polarity consistency of words/senses in sentiment dictionaries in this paper. We show that the consistency problem is NP-complete. We reduce the polarity consistency problem to the satisfiability problem and utilize two fast SAT solvers to detect inconsistencies in a sentiment dictionary. We perform experiments on five sentiment dictionaries and WordNet to show inter- and intra-dictionaries inconsistencies.
2015 |
13 | Co-Extracting Opinion Targets and Opinion Words from Online Reviews Based on the Word Alignment Model | Mining opinion targets and opinion words from online reviews are important tasks for fine-grained opinion mining, the key component of which involves detecting opinion relations among words. To this end, this paper proposes a novel approach based on the partially-supervised alignment model, which regards identifying opinion relations as an alignment process. Then, a graph-based co-ranking algorithm is exploited to estimate the confidence of each candidate. Finally, candidates with higher confidence are extracted as opinion targets or opinion words. Compared to previous methods based on the nearest-neighbor rules, our model captures opinion relations more precisely, especially for long-span relations. Compared to syntax-based methods, our word alignment model effectively alleviates the negative effects of parsing errors when dealing with informal online texts. In particular, compared to the traditional unsupervised alignment model, the proposed model obtains better precision because of the usage of partial supervision. In addition, when estimating candidate confidence, we penalize higher -degree vertices in our graph-based co-ranking algorithm to decrease the probability of error generation. Our experimental results on three corpora with different sizes and languages show that our approach effectively outperforms state-of-the-art methods. | 2015 |
14 | Tweet Segmentation and Its Application to Named Entity Recognition | Twitter has attracted millions of users to share and disseminate most up-to-date information, resulting in large volumes of data produced everyday. However, many applications in Information Retrieval (IR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) suffer severely from the noisy and short nature of tweets. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for tweet segmentation in a batch mode, called HybridSeg . By splitting tweets into meaningful segments, the semantic or context information is well preserved and easily extracted by the downstream applications. HybridSeg finds the optimal segmentation of a tweet by maximizing the sum of the stickiness scores of its candidate segments. The stickiness score considers the probability of a segment being a phrase in English (i.e., global context) and the probability of a segment being a phrase within the batch of tweets (i.e., local context). For the latter, we propose and evaluate two models to derive local context by considering the linguistic features and term-dependency in a batch of tweets, respectively. HybridSeg is also designed to iteratively learn from confident segments as pseudo feedback. Experiments on two tweet data sets show that tweet segmentation quality is significantly improved by learning both global and local contexts compared with using global context alone. Through analysis and comparison, we show that local linguistic features are more reliable for learning local con-text compared with term-dependency. As an application, we show that high accuracy is achieved in named entity recognition by applying segment-based part-of-speech (POS) tagging.
2015 |
15 | Customizable Point-of-Interest Queries in Road Networks | We present a unified framework for dealing with exact point-of-interest (POI) queries in dynamic continental road networks within interactive applications. We show that partition-based algorithms developed for point-to-point shortest path computations can be naturally extended to handle augmented queries such as finding the closest restaurant or the best post office to stop on the way home, always ranking POIs according to a user-defined cost function. Our solution allows different trade-offs between indexing effort (time and space) and query time. Our most flexible variant allows the road network to change frequently (to account for traffic information or personalized cost functions) and the set of POIs to be specified at query time. Even in this fully dynamic scenario, our solution is fast enough for interactive applications on continental road networks.
2015 |
16 | Privacy Policy Inference of User-Uploaded Images on Content Sharing Sites | With the increasing volume of images users share through social sites, maintaining privacy has become a major problem, as demonstrated by a recent wave of publicized incidents where users inadvertently shared personal information. In light of these incidents, the need of tools to help users control access to their shared content is apparent. Toward addressing this need, we propose an Adaptive Privacy Policy Prediction (A3P) system to help users compose privacy settings for their images. We examine the role of social context, image content, and metadata as possible indicators of users’ privacy preferences. We propose a two-level framework
which according to the user’s available history on the site, determines the best available privacy policy for the user’s images being uploaded. Our solution relies on an image classification framework for image categories which may be associated with similar policies, and on a policy prediction algorithm to automatically generate a policy for each newly uploaded image, also according to users’ social features. Over time, the generated policies will follow the evolution of users’ privacy attitude. We provide the results of our extensive evaluation over 5,000 policies, which demonstrate the effectiveness of our system, with prediction accuracies over 90 percent.
2015 |
17 | Discovering Latent Semantics in Web Documents Using Fuzzy Clustering | Web documents are heterogeneous and complex. There exists complicated associations within one web document and linking to the others. The high interactions between terms in documents demonstrate vague and ambiguous meanings. Efficient and effective clustering methods to discover latent and coherent meanings in context are necessary. This paper presents a fuzzy linguistic topological space along with a fuzzy clustering algorithm to discover the contextual meaning in the web documents. The proposed algorithm extracts features from the web documents using conditional random field methods and builds a fuzzy linguistic topological space based on the associations of features. The associations of cooccurring features organize a hierarchy of connected semantic complexes called “CONCEPTS,” wherein a fuzzy linguistic measure is applied on each complex to evaluate 1) the relevance of a document belonging to a topic, and 2) the difference between the other topics.Web contents are able to be clustered into topics in the hierarchy depending on their fuzzy linguistic measures; web users can further explore the CONCEPTS of web contents accordingly. Besides the algorithm applicability in web text domains, it can be extended to other applications, such as data mining, bioinformatics, content-based, or collaborative information filtering, etc. | 2015 |
18 | Efficient Filtering Algorithms for Location-Aware Publish/Subscribe | Location-based services have been widely adopted in many systems. Existing works employ a pull model or user-initiated model, where a user issues a query to a server which replies with location-aware answers. To provide users with instant replies, a push model or server-initiated model is becoming an inevitable computing model in the next-generation location-based services. In the push model, subscribers register spatio-textual subscriptions to capture their interests, and publishers post spatio-textual messages. This calls for a high-performance location-aware publish/subscribe system to deliver publishers’ messages to relevant subscribers. In this paper, we address the research challenges that arise in designing a location-aware publish/subscribe system. We propose an R-tree based index by integrating textual descriptions into R-tree nodes. We devise efficient filtering algorithms and effective pruning techniques to achieve high performance. Our method can support both conjunctive queries and ranking queries. We discuss how to support dynamic updates efficiently. Experimental results show our method achieves high performance which can filter 500 messages in a second for 10 million subscriptions on a commodity computer. | 2015 |
19 | FiDoop: Parallel Mining of Frequent Itemsets Using MapReduce | Existing parallel mining algorithms for frequent itemsets lack a mechanism that enables automatic parallelization, load balancing, data distribution, and fault tolerance on large clusters. As a solution to this problem, we design a parallel frequent itemsets mining algorithm called FiDoop using the MapReduce programming model. To achieve compressed storage and avoid building conditional pattern bases, FiDoop incorporates the frequent items ultrametric tree, rather than conventional FP trees. In FiDoop, three MapReduce jobs are implemented to complete the mining task. In the crucial third MapReduce job, the mappers independently decompose itemsets, the reducers perform combination operations by constructing small ultrametric trees, and the actual mining of these trees separately. We implement FiDoop on our in-house Hadoop cluster. We show that FiDoop on the cluster is sensitive to data distribution and dimensions, because itemsets with different lengths have different decomposition and construction costs. To improve FiDoop’s performance, we develop a workload balance metric to measure load balance across the cluster’s computing nodes. We develop FiDoop-HD, an extension of FiDoop, to speed up the mining performance for high-dimensional data analysis. Extensive experiments using real-world celestial spectral data demonstrate that our proposed solution is efficient and scalable. | 2015 |
20 | Hadoop Recognition of Biomedical Named Entity Using Conditional Random Fields | Processing large volumes of data has presented a challenging issue, particularly in data-redundant systems. As one of the most recognized models, the conditional random fields (CRF) model has been widely applied in biomedical named entity recognition (Bio-NER). Due to the internally sequential feature, performance improvement of the CRF model is nontrivial, which requires new parallelized solutions. By combining and parallelizing the limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) and Viterbi algorithms, we propose a parallel CRF algorithm called MapReduce CRF (MRCRF) in this paper, which contains two parallel sub-algorithms to handle two time-consuming steps of the CRF model. The MapReduce L-BFGS (MRLB) algorithm leverages the MapReduce framework to enhance the capability of estimating parameters. Furthermore, the MapReduce Viterbi (MRVtb) algorithm infers the most likely state sequence by extending the Viterbi algorithm with another MapReduce job. Experimental results show that the MRCRF algorithm outperforms other competing methods by exhibiting significant performance improvement in terms of time efficiency as well as preserving a guaranteed level of correctness. | 2015 |
21 | Improving Web Navigation Usability by Comparing Actual and Anticipated Usage | We present a new method to identify navigation related Web usability problems based on comparing actual and anticipated usage patterns. The actual usage patterns can be extracted from Web server logs routinely recorded for operational websites by first processing the log data to identify users, user sessions, and user task-oriented transactions, and then applying an usage mining algorithm to discover patterns among actual usage paths. The anticipated usage, including information about both the path and time required for user-oriented tasks, is captured by our ideal user interactive path models constructed by cognitive experts based on their cognition of user behavior. The comparison is performed via the mechanism of test oracle for checking results and identifying user navigation difficulties. The deviation data produced from this comparison can help us discover usability issues and suggest corrective actions to improve usability. A software tool was developed to automate a significant part of the activities involved. With an experiment on a small service-oriented website, we identified usability problems, which were cross-validated by domain experts, and quantified usability improvement by the higher task success rate and lower time and effort for given tasks after suggested corrections were implemented. This case study provides an initial validation of the applicability and effectiveness of our method. | 2015 |
22 | On Summarization and Timeline Generation for Evolutionary Tweet Streams | Short-text messages such as tweets are being created and shared at an unprecedented rate. Tweets, in their raw form, while being informative, can also be overwhelming. For both end-users and data analysts, it is a nightmare to plow through millions of tweets which contain enormous amount of noise and redundancy. In this paper, we propose a novel continuous summarization framework called Sumblr to alleviate the problem. In contrast to the traditional document summarization methods which focus on static and small-scale data set, Sumblr is designed to deal with dynamic, fast arriving, and large-scale tweet streams. Our proposed framework consists of three major components. First, we propose an online tweet stream clustering algorithm to cluster tweets and maintain distilled statistics in a data structure called tweet cluster vector (TCV). Second, we develop a TCV-Rank summarization technique for generating online summaries and historical summaries of arbitrary time durations. Third, we design an effective topic evolution detection method, which monitors summary-based/volume-based variations to produce timelines automatically from tweet streams. Our experiments on large-scale real tweets demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our framework. | 2015 |
23 | Route-Saver: Leveraging Route APIs for Accurate and Efficient Query Processing at Location-Based Services | Location-based services (LBS) enable mobile users to query points-of-interest (e.g., restaurants, cafes) on various features (e.g., price, quality, variety). In addition, users require accurate query results with up-to-date travel times. Lacking the monitoring infrastructure for road traffic, the LBS may obtain live travel times of routes from online route APIs in order to offer accurate results. Our goal is to reduce the number of requests issued by the LBS significantly while preserving accurate query results. First, we propose to exploit recent routes requested from route APIs to answer queries accurately. Then, we design effective lower/upper bounding techniques and ordering techniques to process queries efficiently. Also, we study parallel route requests to further reduce the query response time. Our experimental evaluation shows that our solution is three times more efficient than a competitor, and yet achieves high result accuracy (above 98 percent). | 2015 |
24 | Semantic Retrieval of Trademarks Based on Conceptual Similarity | Trademarks are signs of high reputational value. Thus, they require protection. This paper studies conceptual similarities between trademarks, which occurs when two or more trademarks evoke identical or analogous semantic content. This paper advances the state-of-the-art by proposing a computational approach based on semantics that can be used to compare trademarks for conceptual similarity. A trademark retrieval algorithm is developed that employs natural language processing techniques and an external knowledge source in the form of a lexical ontology. The search and indexing technique developed uses similarity distance, which is derived using Tversky’s theory of similarity. The proposed retrieval algorithm is validated using two resources: a trademark database of 1400 disputed cases and a database of 378 943 company names. The accuracy of the algorithm is estimated using measures from two different domains: the R-precision score, which is commonly used in information retrieval and human judgment/collective human opinion, which is used in human–machine systems.
2015 |