1. | Facilitating Document Annotation Using Content and Querying Value | A large number of organizations today generate and share textual descriptions of their products, services, and actions. Such collections of textual data contain significant amount of structured information, which remains buried in the unstructured text. While information extraction algorithms facilitate the extraction of structured relations, they are often expensive and inaccurate, especially when operating on top of text that does not contain any instances of the targeted structured information. We present a novel alternative approach that facilitates the generation of the structured metadata by identifying documents that are likely to contain information of interest and this information is going to be subsequently useful for querying the database. Our approach relies on the idea that humans are more likely to add the necessary metadata during creation time, if prompted by the interface; or that it is much easier for humans (and/or algorithms) to identify the metadata when such information actually exists in the document, instead of naively prompting users to fill in forms with information that is not available in the document. As a major contribution of this paper, we present algorithms that identify structured attributes that are likely to appear within the document, by jointly utilizing the content of the text and the query workload. Our experimental evaluation shows that our approach generates superior results compared to approaches that rely only on the textual content or only on the query workload, to identify attributes of interest. | 2014 |
2. | An Empirical Performance Evaluation of Relational Keyword Search Techniques | Extending the keyword search paradigm to relational data has been an active area of research within the database and IR community during the past decade. Many approaches have been proposed, but despite numerous publications, there remains a severe lack of standardization for the evaluation of proposed search techniques. Lack of standardization has resulted in contradictory results from different evaluations, and the numerous discrepancies muddle what advantages are proffered by different approaches. In this paper, we present the most extensive empirical performance evaluation of relational keyword search techniques to appear to date in the literature. Our results indicate that many existing search techniques do not provide acceptable performance for realistic retrieval tasks. In particular, memory consumption precludes many search techniques from scaling beyond small data sets with tens of thousands of vertices. We also explore the relationship between execution time and factors varied in previous evaluations; our analysis indicates that most of these factors have relatively little impact on performance. In summary, our work confirms previous claims regarding the unacceptable performance of these search techniques and underscores the need for standardization in evaluations—standardization exemplified by the IR community. | 2014 |
3. | Set Predicates in SQL: Enabling Set-Level Comparisons for Dynamically Formed Groups | In data warehousing and OLAP applications, scalar-level predicates in SQL become increasingly inadequate to support a class of operations that require set-level comparison semantics, i.e., comparing a group of tuples with multiple values. Currently, complex SQL queries composed by scalar-level operations are often formed to obtain even very simple set-level semantics. Such queries are not only difficult to write but also challenging for a database engine to optimize, thus can result in costly evaluation. This paper proposes to augment SQL with set predicate, to bring out otherwise obscured set-level semantics. We studied two approaches to processing set predicates—an aggregate function-based approach and a bitmap index-based approach. Moreover, we designed a histogram-based probabilistic method of set predicate selectivity estimation, for optimizing queries with multiple predicates. The experiments verified its accuracy and effectiveness in optimizing queries. | 2014 |
4. | Keyword Query Routing | Keyword search is an intuitive paradigm for searching linked data sources on the web. We propose to route keywords only to relevant sources to reduce the high cost of processing keyword search queries over all sources. We propose a novel method for computing top-k routing plans based on their potentials to contain results for a given keyword query. We employ a keyword-element relationship summary that compactly represents relationships between keywords and the data elements mentioning them. A multilevel scoring mechanism is proposed for computing the relevance of routing plans based on scores at the level of keywords, data elements, element sets, and subgraphs that connect these elements. Experiments carried out using 150 publicly available sources on the web showed that valid plans (precision@1 of 0.92) that are highly relevant (mean reciprocal rank of 0.89) can be computed in 1 second on average on a single PC. Further, we show routing greatly helps to improve the performance of keyword search, without compromising its result quality. | 2014 |
5. | A Rough Hypercuboid Approach for Feature Selection in Approximation Spaces | The selection of relevant and significant features is an important problem particularly for data sets with large number of features. In this regard, a new feature selection algorithm is presented based on a rough hypercuboid approach. It selects a set of features from a data set by maximizing the relevance, dependency, and significance of the selected features. By introducing the concept of the hypercuboid equivalence partition matrix, a novel representation of degree of dependency of sample categories on features is proposed to measure the relevance, dependency, and significance of features in approximation spaces. The equivalence partition matrix also offers an efficient way to calculate many more quantitative measures to describe the inexactness of approximate classification. Several quantitative indices are introduced based on the rough hypercuboid approach for evaluating the performance of the proposed method. The superiority of the proposed method over other feature selection methods, in terms of computational complexity and classification accuracy, is established extensively on various real-life data sets of different sizes and dimensions. | 2014 |
6. | Active Learning of Constraints for Semi-Supervised Clustering | Semi-supervised clustering aims to improve clustering performance by considering user supervision in the form of pairwise constraints. In this paper, we study the active learning problem of selecting pairwise must-link and cannot-link constraints for semisupervised clustering. We consider active learning in an iterative manner where in each iteration queries are selected based on the current clustering solution and the existing constraint set. We apply a general framework that builds on the concept of neighborhood, where neighborhoods contain “labeled examples” of different clusters according to the pairwise constraints. Our active learning method expands the neighborhoods by selecting informative points and querying their relationship with the neighborhoods. Under this framework, we build on the classic uncertainty-based principle and present a novel approach for computing the uncertainty associated with each data point. We further introduce a selection criterion that trades off the amount of uncertainty of each data point with the expected number of queries (the cost) required to resolve this uncertainty. This allows us to select queries that have the highest information rate. We evaluate the proposed method on the benchmark data sets and the results demonstrate consistent and substantial improvements over the current state of the art. | 2014 |
7. | Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search | Abstract—Personalized web search (PWS) has demonstrated its effectiveness in improving the quality of various search services on the Internet. However, evidences show that users’ reluctance to disclose their private information during search has become a major barrier for the wide proliferation of PWS. We study privacy protection in PWS applications that model user preferences as hierarchical user profiles. We propose a PWS framework called UPS that can adaptively generalize profiles by queries while respecting user specified privacy requirements. Our runtime generalization aims at striking a balance between two predictive metrics that evaluate the utility of personalization and the privacy risk of exposing the generalized profile. We present two greedy algorithms, namely GreedyDP and GreedyIL, for runtime generalization. We also provide an online prediction mechanism for deciding whether personalizing a query is beneficial. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework. The experimental results also reveal that GreedyIL significantly outperforms GreedyDP in terms of efficiency. | 2014 |
8. | Privacy-Preserving Enhanced Collaborative Tagging | Abstract—Collaborative tagging is one of the most popular services available online, and it allows end user to loosely classify either online or offline resources based on their feedback, expressed in the form of free-text labels (i.e., tags). Although tags may not be per se sensitive information, the wide use of collaborative tagging services increases the risk of cross referencing, thereby seriously compromising user privacy. In this paper, we make a first contribution toward the development of a privacy-preserving collaborative tagging service, by showing how a specific privacy-enhancing technology, namely tag suppression, can be used to protect end-user privacy. Moreover, we analyze how our approach can affect the effectiveness of a policy-based collaborative tagging system that supports enhanced web access functionalities, like content filtering and discovery, based on preferences specified by end users. | 2014 |
9. | Event Characterization and Prediction Based on Temporal Patterns in Dynamic Data System | Abstract—The new method proposed in this paper applies a multivariate reconstructed phase space (MRPS) for identifying multivariate temporal patterns that are characteristic and predictive of anomalies or events in a dynamic data system. The new method extends the original univariate reconstructed phase space framework, which is based on fuzzy unsupervised clustering method, by incorporating a new mechanism of data categorization based on the definition of events. In addition to modeling temporal dynamics in a multivariate phase space, a Bayesian approach is applied to model the first-order Markov behavior in the multidimensional data sequences. The method utilizes an exponential loss objective function to optimize a hybrid classifier which consists of a radial basis kernel function and a log-odds ratio component. We performed experimental evaluation on three data sets to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach. | 2014 |
10. | Discovering Emerging Topics in Social Streams via Link-Anomaly Detection | Abstract—Detection of emerging topics is now receiving renewed interest motivated by the rapid growth of social networks. Conventional-term-frequency-based approaches may not be appropriate in this context, because the information exchanged in social network posts include not only text but also images, URLs, and videos. We focus on emergence of topics signaled by social aspects of theses networks. Specifically, we focus on mentions of users—links between users that are generated dynamically (intentionally or unintentionally) through replies, mentions, and retweets. We propose a probability model of the mentioning behavior of a social network user, and propose to detect the emergence of a new topic from the anomalies measured through the model. Aggregating anomaly scores from hundreds of users, we show that we can detect emerging topics only based on the reply/mention relationships in social-network posts. We demonstrate our technique in several real data sets we gathered from Twitter. The experiments show that the proposed mention-anomaly-based approaches can detect new topics at least as early as text-anomaly-based approaches, and in some cases much earlier when the topic is poorly identified by the textual contents in posts. | 2014 |
11. | Interpreting the Public Sentiment Variations on Twitter
Millions of users share their opinions on Twitter, making it a valuable platform for tracking and analyzing public sentiment. Such tracking and analysis can provide critical information for decision making in various domains. Therefore it has attracted attention in both academia and industry. Previous research mainly focused on modeling and tracking public sentiment. In this work, we move one step further to interpret sentiment variations. We observed that emerging topics (named foreground topics) within the sentiment variation periods are highly related to the genuine reasons behind the variations. Based on this observation, we propose a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) based model, Foreground and Background LDA (FB-LDA), to distill foreground topics and filter out longstanding background topics. These foreground topics can give potential interpretations of the sentiment variations. To further enhance the readability of the mined reasons, we select the most representative tweets for foreground topics and develop another generative model called Reason Candidate and Background LDA (RCB-LDA) to rank them with respect to their “popularity” within the variation period. Experimental results show that our methods can effectively find foreground topics and rank reason candidates. The proposed models can also be applied to other tasks such as finding topic differences between two sets of documents.
2014 |
12. | Product Aspect Ranking and Its Applications
Numerous consumer reviews of products are now available on the Internet. Consumer reviews contain rich and valuable knowledge for both firms and users. However, the reviews are often disorganized, leading to difficulties in information navigation and knowledge acquisition. This article proposes a product aspect ranking framework, which automatically identifies the important aspects of products from online consumer reviews, aiming at improving the usability of the numerous reviews. The important product aspects are identified based on two observations: 1) the important aspects are usually commented on by a large number of consumers and 2) consumer opinions on the important aspects greatly influence their overall opinions on the product. In particular, given the consumer reviews of a product, we first identify product aspects by a shallow dependency parser and determine consumer opinions on these aspects via a sentiment classifier. We then develop a probabilistic aspect ranking algorithm to infer the importance of aspects by simultaneously considering aspect frequency and the influence of consumer opinions given to each aspect over their overall opinions. The experimental results on a review corpus of 21 popular products in eight domains demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Moreover, we apply product aspect ranking to two real-world applications, i.e., document-level sentiment classification and extractive review summarization, and achieve significant performance improvements, which demonstrate the capacity of product aspect ranking in facilitating real-world applications.
2014 |
13. | Rough Sets, Kernel Set, and Spatiotemporal
Outlier Detection |
Nowadays, the high availability of data gathered from wireless sensor networks and telecommunication systems has drawn the attention of researchers on the problem of extracting knowledge from spatiotemporal data. Detecting outliers which are grossly
different from or inconsistent with the remaining spatiotemporal data set is a major challenge in real-world knowledge discovery and data mining applications. In this paper, we deal with the outlier detection problem in spatiotemporal data and describe a rough set approach that finds the top outliers in an unlabeled spatiotemporal data set. The proposed method, called Rough Outlier Set Extraction (ROSE), relies on a rough set theoretic representation of the outlier set using the rough set approximations, i.e., lower and upper approximations. We have also introduced a new set, named Kernel Set, that is a subset of the original data set, which is able to describe the original data set both in terms of data structure and of obtained results. Experimental results on real-world data sets demonstrate the superiority of ROSE, both in terms of some quantitative indices and outliers detected, over those obtained by various rough fuzzy clustering algorithms and by the state-of-the-art outlier detection methods. It is also demonstrated that the kernel set is able to detect the same outliers set but with less computational time |
2014 |
14. | A New Algorithm for Inferring User Search Goals with Feedback Sessions
For a broad-topic and ambiguous query, different users may have different search goals when they submit it to a search engine. The inference and analysis of user search goals can be very useful in improving search engine relevance and user experience. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to infer user search goals by analyzing search engine query logs. First, we propose a framework to discover
different user search goals for a query by clustering the proposed feedback sessions. Feedback sessions are constructed from user click-through logs and can efficiently reflect the information needs of users. Second, we propose a novel approach to generate pseudo-documents to better represent the feedback sessions for clustering. Finally, we propose a new criterion )“Classified Average Precision (CAP)” to evaluate the performance of inferring user search goals. Experimental results are presented using user click-through logs from a commercial search engine to validate the effectiveness of our proposed methods |
2013 |
15. | Facilitating Effective User Navigation through Website Structure Improvement | Designing well-structured websites to facilitate effective user navigation has long been a challenge. A primary reason is that the web developers’ understanding of how a website should be structured can be considerably different from that of the users. While various methods have been proposed to relink webpages to improve navigability using user navigation data, the completely reorganized new structure can be highly unpredictable, and the cost of disorienting users after the changes remains unanalyzed. This paper addresses how to improve a website without introducing substantial changes. Specifically, we propose a
mathematical programming model to improve the user navigation on a website while minimizing alterations to its current structure. Results from extensive tests conducted on a publicly available real data set indicate that our model not only significantly improves the user navigation with very few changes, but also can be effectively solved. We have also tested the model on large synthetic data sets to demonstrate that it scales up very well. In addition, we define two evaluation metrics and use them to assess the performance of the improved website using the real data set. Evaluation results confirm that the user navigation on the improved structure is indeed greatly enhanced. More interestingly, we find that heavily disoriented users are more likely to benefit from the improved structure than the less disoriented users. |
2013 |
16. | Building a Scalable
Database-Driven Reverse Dictionary
In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of a reverse dictionary. Unlike a traditional forward dictionary, which maps from words to their definitions, a reverse dictionary takes a user input phrase describing the desired concept, and returns a set of candidate words that satisfy the input phrase. This work has significant application not only for the general public, particularly those who work closely with words, but also in the general field of conceptual search. We present a set of algorithms and the results of a set of experiments showing the retrieval accuracy of our methods and the runtime response time performance of our implementation. Our experimental results show that our approach can provide significant improvements in performance scale without sacrificing the quality of the result. Our experiments comparing the quality of our approach to that of currently available reverse dictionaries show that of our approach can provide significantly higher quality over either of the other currently available implementation | 2013 |
17. | Robust Module-Based Data Management | The current trend for building an ontology-based data management system (DMS) is to capitalize on efforts made to design a preexisting well-established DMS (a reference system). The method amounts to extracting from the reference DMS a piece of schema relevant to the new application needs—a module—, possibly personalizing it with extra constraints w.r.t. the application under construction, and then managing a data set using the resulting schema. In this paper, we extend the existing definitions of modules and we introduce novel properties of robustness that provide means for checking easily that a robust module-based DMS evolves safely w.r.t. both the schema and the data of the reference DMS. We carry out our investigations in the setting of description logics which underlie modern ontology languages, like RDFS, OWL, and OWL2 from W3C. Notably, we focus on the DL-liteA dialect of the DL-lite family, which encompasses the foundations of the QL profile of OWL2 (i.e., DL-liteR): the W3C recommendation for efficiently managing large data sets. | 2013 |
18. | Information-Theoretic Outlier Detection for Large-Scale Categorical Data | Outlier detection can usually be considered as a pre-processing step for locating, in a data set, those objects that do not conform to well-defined notions of expected behavior. It is very important in data mining for discovering novel or rare events, anomalies, vicious actions, exceptional phenomena, etc. We are investigating outlier detection for categorical data sets. This problem is especially challenging because of the difficulty of defining a meaningful similarity measure for categorical data. In this paper, we propose a formal definition of outliers and an optimization model of outlier detection, via a new concept of holoentropy that takes both entropy and total correlation into consideration. Based on this model, we define a function for the outlier factor of an object which is solely determined by the object itself and can be updated efficiently. We propose two practical 1-parameter outlier detection methods, named ITB-SS and ITB-SP, which require no user-defined parameters for deciding whether an object is an outlier. Users need only provide the number of outliers they want to detect. Experimental results show that ITB-SS and ITB-SP are more effective and efficient than mainstream methods and can be used to deal with both large and high-dimensional data sets where existing algorithms fail. | 2013 |
19. | Discovering Temporal Change Patterns in the Presence of Taxonomies | Frequent itemset mining is a widely exploratory technique that focuses on discovering recurrent correlations among data. The steadfast evolution of markets and business environments prompts the need of data mining algorithms to discover significant correlation changes in order to reactively suit product and service provision to customer needs. Change mining, in the context of frequent itemsets, focuses on detecting and reporting significant changes in the set of mined itemsets from one time period to another. The discovery of frequent generalized itemsets, i.e., itemsets that 1) frequently occur in the source data, and 2) provide a high-level abstraction of the mined knowledge, issues new challenges in the analysis of itemsets that become rare, and thus are no longer extracted, from a certain point. This paper proposes a novel kind of dynamic pattern, namely the History GENeralized Pattern (HIGEN), that represents the evolution of an itemset in consecutive time periods, by reporting the information about its frequent generalizations characterized by minimal redundancy (i.e., minimum level of abstraction) in case it becomes infrequent in a certain time period. To address HIGEN mining, it proposes HIGEN MINER, an algorithm that focuses on avoiding itemset mining followed by postprocessing by exploiting a support-driven itemset generalization approach. To focus the attention on the minimally redundant frequent generalizations and thus reduce the amount of the generated patterns, the discovery of a smart subset of HIGENs, namely the NONREDUNDANT HIGENs, is addressed as well. Experiments performed on both real and synthetic datasets show the efficiency and the effectiveness of the proposed approach as well as its usefulness in a real application context. | 2013 |
20. | A Fast Clustering-Based Feature Subset Selection Algorithm for High-Dimensional Data | Feature selection involves identifying a subset of the most useful features that produces compatible results as the original entire set of features. A feature selection algorithm may be evaluated from both the efficiency and effectiveness points of view. While the efficiency concerns the time required to find a subset of features, the effectiveness is related to the quality of the subset of features. Based on these criteria, a fast clustering-based feature selection algorithm (FAST) is proposed and experimentally evaluated in this paper. The FAST algorithm works in two steps. In the first step, features are divided into clusters by using graph-theoretic clustering methods. In the second step, the most representative feature that is strongly related to target classes is selected from each cluster to form a subset of features. Features in different clusters are relatively independent, the clustering-based strategy of FAST has a high probability of producing a subset of useful and independent features. To ensure the efficiency of FAST, we adopt the efficient minimum-spanning tree (MST) clustering method. The efficiency and effectiveness of the FAST algorithm are evaluated through an empirical study. Extensive experiments are carried out to compare FAST and several representative feature selection algorithms, namely, FCBF, ReliefF, CFS, Consist, and FOCUS-SF, with respect to four types of well-known classifiers, namely, the probability-based Naive Bayes, the tree-based C4.5, the instance-based IB1, and the rule-based RIPPER before and after feature selection. The results, on 35 publicly available real-world high-dimensional image, microarray, and text data, demonstrate that the FAST not only produces smaller subsets of features but also improves the performances of the four types of classifiers. | 2013 |
21. | Efficient Algorithms for Mining High Utility Itemsets from Transactional Databases | Mining high utility itemsets from a transactional database refers to the discovery of itemsets with high utility like profits. Although a number of relevant algorithms have been proposed in recent years, they incur the problem of producing a large number of candidate itemsets for high utility itemsets. Such a large number of candidate itemsets degrades the mining performance in terms of execution time and space requirement. The situation may become worse when the database contains lots of long transactions or long high utility itemsets. In this paper, we propose two algorithms, namely utility pattern growth (UP-Growth) and UP-Growth+, for mining high utility itemsets with a set of effective strategies for pruning candidate itemsets. The information of high utility itemsets is maintained in a tree-based data structure named utility pattern tree (UP-Tree) such that candidate itemsets can be generated efficiently with only two scans of database. The performance of UP-Growth and UP-Growth+ is compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms on many types of both real and synthetic data sets. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms, especially UPGrowth+, not only reduce the number of candidates effectively but also outperform other algorithms substantially in terms of runtime, especially when databases contain lots of long transactions. | 2013 |
22. | On Identifying Critical Nuggets of Information during Classification Tasks | In large databases, there may exist critical nuggets—small collections of records or instances that contain domain-specific important information. This information can be used for future decision making such as labeling of critical, unlabeled data records and improving classification results by reducing false positive and false negative errors. This work introduces the idea of critical nuggets, proposes an innovative domain-independent method to measure criticality, suggests a heuristic to reduce the search space for finding critical nuggets, and isolates and validates critical nuggets from some real-world data sets. It seems that only a few subsets may qualify to be critical nuggets, underlying the importance of finding them. The proposed methodology can detect them. This work also identifies certain properties of critical nuggets and provides experimental validation of the properties. Experimental results also helped validate that critical nuggets can assist in improving classification accuracies in real-world data sets. | 2013 |
23. | Dirichlet Process Mixture Model for Document Clustering with Feature Partition | Finding the appropriate number of clusters to which documents should be partitioned is crucial in document clustering. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, namely DPMFP, to discover the latent cluster structure based on the DPM model without requiring the number of clusters as input. Document features are automatically partitioned into two groups, in particular, discriminative words and nondiscriminative words, and contribute differently to document clustering. A variational inference algorithm is investigated to infer the document collection structure as well as the partition of document words at the same time. Our experiments indicate that our proposed approach performs well on the synthetic data set as well as real data sets. The comparison between our approach and state-of-the-art document clustering approaches shows that our approach is robust and effective for document clustering. | 2013 |
24. | Distributed Processing of Probabilistic Top-k Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks | In this paper, we introduce the notion of sufficient set and necessary set for distributed processing of probabilistic top-k queries in cluster-based wireless sensor networks. These two concepts have very nice properties that can facilitate localized data pruning in clusters. Accordingly, we develop a suite of algorithms, namely, sufficient set-based (SSB), necessary set-based (NSB), and boundary-based (BB), for intercluster query processing with bounded rounds of communications. Moreover, in responding to dynamic changes of data distribution in the network, we develop an adaptive algorithm that dynamically switches among the three proposed algorithms to minimize the transmission cost. We show the applicability of sufficient set and necessary set to wireless sensor networks with both two-tier hierarchical and tree-structured network topologies. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms reduce data transmissions significantly and incur only small constant rounds of data communications. The experimental results also demonstrate the superiority of the adaptive algorithm, which achieves a near-optimal performance under various conditions. | 2013 |
25 | Protecting Sensitive Labels in Social Network Data Anonymization | Privacy is one of the major concerns when publishing or sharing social network data for social science research and business analysis. Recently, researchers have developed privacy models similar to k-anonymity to prevent node reidentification through structure information. However, even when these privacy models are enforced, an attacker may still be able to infer one’s private information if a group of nodes largely share the same sensitive labels (i.e., attributes). In other words, the label-node relationship is not well protected by pure structure anonymization methods. Furthermore, existing approaches, which rely on edge editing or node clustering, may significantly alter key graph properties. In this paper, we define a k-degree-l-diversity anonymity model that considers the protection of structural information as well as sensitive labels of individuals. We further propose a novel anonymization methodology based on adding noise nodes. We develop a new algorithm by adding noise nodes into the original graph with the consideration of introducing the least distortion to graph properties. Most importantly, we provide a rigorous analysis of the theoretical bounds on the number of noise nodes added and their impacts on an important graph property. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed technique. | 2013 |