Power dissipation and circuit delay in digital CMOS circuits can be accurately modeled by simple equations,even for complex microprocessor circuits. CMOS circuits have dynamic, static, and short-circuit power dissipation; however, the dominant component in a well-designed circuit is dynamic power consumption P. Cloud computing is quickly becoming an effective and efficient way of computing resources and computing services consolidation. By centralized management of resources and services, cloud computing delivers hosted services over the Internet, such that accesses to shared hardware, software, databases, information, and all resources are provided to consumers on-demand. Cloud computing is able to provide the most cost-effective and energy-efficient way of computing resources management and computing services provision. Cloud computing turns information technology into ordinary commodities and utilities by using the pay-per-use pricing model. Cloud computing will never be free, and understanding the economics of cloud computing becomes critically important. A service provider can build different multiserver systems for different application domains, such that service requests of different nature are sent to different multiserver systems. Each multiserver system contains multiple servers, and such a multiserver system can be devoted to serve one type of service requests and applications. An application domain is characterized by two basic features, The workload of an application environment and the expected amount of a service. The configuration of a multiserver system is characterized by two basic features. There are many different service performance metrics in service-level agreements. Our performance metric in this paper is the task response time (or the turn around time), the time taken to complete a task, which includes task waiting time and task execution time. Instead of traditional system-centric performance optimization such as minimizing the average task response time, the main concern in such computational economy is user-centric performance optimization, that is maximizing the total utility delivered to the users.
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