Most supercomputers nowadays are based on large clusters, which call for sophisticated, scalable, and decentralized metadata processing techniques. From the perspective of maximizing metadata throughput, an ideal metadata distribution policy should automatically balance the namespace locality and even distribution without manual intervention. None of existing metadata distribution schemes is designed to make such a balance. […]
Monitoring the Impact of P2P Users on a Broadband Operator’s Network over Time
Since their emergence peer-to-peer (P2P) applications have been generating a considerable fraction of the over all transferred bandwidth in broadband networks. Residential broadband service has been moving from one geared towards technology enthusiasts and early adopters to a commodity for a large fraction of households. Thus, the question whether P2P is still the dominant application […]
Decomposing Workload Bursts for Efficient Storage Resource Management
The growing popularity of hosted storage services and shared storage infrastructure in data centers is driving the recent interest in resource management and QoS in storage systems. The bursty nature of storage workloads raises significant performance and provisioning challenges, leading to increased resource requirements, management costs, and energy consumption. We present a novel workload shaping […]
A Distributed Algorithm for Finding All Best Swap Edges of a Minimum-Diameter Spanning Tree
Communication in networks suffers if a link fails. When the links are edges of a tree that has been chosen from an underlying graph of all possible links, a broken link even disconnects the network. Most often, the link is restored rapidly. A good policy to deal with this sort of transient link failures is […]