Faulty components in a network need to be localized and repaired to sustain the health of the network. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that carefully combines active and passive measurements to localize faults in wireless sensor networks. More specifically, we formulate a problem of optimal sequential testing guided by end-to-end data. This […]
Fast Detection of Mobile Replica Node Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Sequential Hypothesis Testing
Due to the unattended nature of wireless sensor networks, an adversary can capture and compromise sensor nodes, generate their replicas, and thus mount a variety of attacks with these replicas. Such attacks are dangerous because they allow the attacker to leverage the compromise of a few nodes to exert control over much of the network. […]
Transient Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 Sensor Networks
We study the delay performance of a sensor network, whose nodes access the medium by using the unslotted MAC protocol specified by the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Unlike previous works, which focus on the average throughput and delay analysis, we develop a detailed model that allows us to obtain the delivery delay distribution of messages sent […]
Computing Localized Power-Efficient Data Aggregation Trees for Sensor Networks
We propose localized, self organizing, robust, and energy-efficient data aggregation tree approaches for sensor networks,which we call Localized Power-Efficient Data Aggregation Protocols (L-PEDAPs). They are based on topologies, such as LMST and RNG,that can approximate minimum spanning tree and can be efficiently computed using only position or distance information of one-hopneighbors. The actual routing tree […]
Optimal Selective Forwarding for Energy Saving in Wireless Sensor Networks
Scenarios where nodes have limited energy and forward messages of different importances (priorities) are frequent in the context of wireless sensor networks.Tailored to those scenarios, this paper relies on stochastic tools to develop selective message forwarding schemes. The schemes will depend on parameters such as the available battery at the node, the energy cost of […]
Improving the Performance of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Through MAC Layer Design
The performance of the ALOHA and CSMA MAC protocols are analyzed in spatially distributed wireless networks. The main system objective is correct reception of packets, and thus the analysis is performed in terms of outage probability. In our network model, packets belonging to specific transmitters arrive randomly in space and time according to a 3-D […]
Distributed Sensing in Multiband Cognitive Networks
We consider a short range cognitive network searching for spectrum holes from very wide bandwidth. In practice, one cognitive user can sense only a small portion of spectrum. Unfortunately, in fading environment a reliable detection scheme requires measurements collected by multiple users. Because of that, it is unreasonable to expect a small-sized network to sense […]
Valuable Detours: Least-Cost Anypath Routing
In many networks, it is less costly to transmit a packet to any node in a set of neighbors than to one specific neighbor. This observation was previously exploited by opportunistic routing protocols by using single-path routing metrics to assign to each node a group of candidate relays for a particular destination. This paper addresses […]
Loss Performance Modeling for Hierarchical Heterogeneous Wireless Networks With Speed-Sensitive Call Admission Control
A hierarchical overlay structure is an alternative solution that integrates existing and future heterogeneous wireless networks to provide subscribers with better mobile broadband services. Traffic loss performance in such integrated heterogeneous networks is necessary for an operator’s network dimensioning and planning. This paper investigates the computationally efficient loss performance modeling for multiservice in hierarchical heterogeneous […]
Improved Division by Invariant Integers
This paper considers the problem of dividing a two-word integer by a single-word integer, together with a few extensions and applications. Due to lack of efficient division instructions in current processors, the division is performed as a multiplication using a precomputed single-word approximation of the reciprocal of the divisor, followed by a couple of adjustment […]