Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks are vulnerable to peers who cheat, propagate malicious code, leech on the network, or simply do not cooperate. The traditional security techniques developed for the centralized distributed systems like client-server networks are insufficient for P2P networks by the virtue of their centralized nature. The absence of a central authority in a P2P […]
Digital Library Creation Based On Wavelet Coefficients for Video Stream Indexing and Retrieving
The increased availability and usage of on-line digital video has created a need for automated video content analysis techniques including indexing and retrieving. Most research on video content involves automatically detecting the boundaries between camera shots. After shot detection there is a need for shots indexing in a library which enables retrieving for the required […]
Logic-Based Pattern Discovery
In the data mining field, association rules are discovered having domain knowledge specified as a minimum support threshold. The accuracy in setting up this threshold directly influences the number and the quality of association rules discovered. Often, the number of association rules, even though large in number, misses some interesting rules and the rules’ quality […]
Closeness: A New Privacy Measure for Data Publishing
The k-anonymity privacy requirement for publishing micro-data requires that each equivalence class (i.e., a set of records that are indistinguishable from each other with respect to certain “identifying” attributes) contains at least k records. Recently, several authors have recognized that k-anonymity cannot prevent attribute disclosure. The notion of ‘-diversity has been proposed to address […]
Record Matching over Query Results from Multiple Web Databases
Record matching, which identifies the records that represent the same real-world entity, is an important step for data integration. Most state-of-the-art record matching methods are supervised, which requires the user to provide training data. These methods are not applicable for the Web database scenario, where the records to match are query results dynamically generated on […]
Layered Approach Using Conditional Random Fields For Intrusion Detection
Intrusion detection faces a number of challenges; an intrusion detection system must reliably detect malicious activities in a network and must perform efficiently to cope with the large amount of network traffic. In this paper, we address these two issues of Accuracy and Efficiency using Conditional Random Fields and Layered Approach. We demonstrate that high […]